Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Thoughts in HD

Good morning,
It's good to be home again to connect with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I had been doing my studies while away and I came across a life changing thought. We all know that television and how we "see" it is changing ever so constantly and by June 2009 all homes should have an upgraded television so we will be able to see colors and images which are more "defined" because there are more pixels than on an analog TV. But how do we see our Christian life? Is it still in analog or is it in HD? Can you see clearly how God is working in our lives? Do we really know how much He loves us? Yes, things are changing all around us every day, but the Word of God is unchanging and we have been called to share the Gospel with the means that God gives us.
2 Timothy 2:15 - "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth". What he's saying is to bring the word of God to the world with clarity, sincerity, honesty and truth. Be careful of false teachers.
Jeremiah 5:13 (The Message) - "The prophets are all windbags. They speak nothing but nonsense". They were misleading people and perverting the Word to fit their own selfish desires. My brothers and sisters, let us continue to encourage others and bring the Word of God to the world with "HDBT" (High Definition Bible Teaching) so the world can "see" God in us clearly and more sharply in "HD".
